Friday, September 10, 2010

Seeing Things Differently

This will indeed be a weird post for opening my blog back up. Today, September 10th 2010, I was asked to kill a snake in the yard. My wife ran inside and fetched a shovel. I picked up the snake by the tail and examined him. It was merely a small brown garden variety snake, non-poisonous. My wife was adamant about me killing the snake where as I merely wanted to throw it over the fence into the abandoned yard next door.

"But it could crawl back over!" was my wife's retort.

I glided the shovel down upon the snake and ended it's life. I had fought for the snake to live, seeing as it was merely a small snake that would dine on annoying spiders and other bugs that pester me. Silly creature that I am, I began to reflect upon this at work tonight.

A lot of times sin/snakes will crawl in our space. If we choose to merely flick them "over the fence" or ignore them. They will get bigger and more menacing. Sin (and snakes) can bite us when we least expect it. God tells us that we shouldn't live in sin and rightfully so. Always take the time to behead sin and tend to your needs that effect yourself and others.

Sorry for being preachy, just felt the urge to put this down while I was thinking about it.

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